Effective from 01 Jan 2025
I don't give your personal data (email address, WavMarks, watch history, etc) to any external organisation behind your back. If the possibility ever comes up you'll be individually contacted to explicitly ask for consent beforehand, but 1) I doubt it'll ever happen for this dinky site and 2) I have no intention of ever doing that.
There's no fine-grained analytics collected about site usage/clicks. If this gets implemented it'll be an opt-in switch in your account settings to give consent and will list what would get logged.
Cloud providers are PocketHost, Cloudflare, and Amazon SES. Cloudflare Web Analytics is enabled where I only use it to see overall traffic volume, but it doesn't use any cookies and doesn't individually fingerprint (more info). For more information about any other connection/traffic metadata these providers might log by default I'd refer you to information on their websites.
The only browser cookie/local-storage in use is the token for your session to persist being signed in. There's no marketing/analytics/etc cookies.
Sign in with YouTube is read-only access to your account, and is only to get your playlists on-platform for convenience. This is all only performed locally within your browser, ie none of your YouTube data (nor even your access token) is passed to or through the WavMarks backend server.
I make no claim to IP ownership of WavMark metadata created by you/users, nor the underlying video content the WavMark metadata describes.
Private WavMarks can only be seen by you, don't appear in your public profile, in search, or the watch page for the video, except when signed in with the account owning it. Even sharing the direct URL to it won't work unless signed in.
If you delete your account it's actually deleted from the database, not just flagged as "deleted" then archived. This automatically cascades to deleting all your created WavMarks, hearts, and watch history (if any).
Watch history, if turned on, only stores the last 30 days. Clearing view history irreversably removes the link between your account and the individual watch events. All watch events older than 30 days are aggregated into a simple total count for that WavMark, ie anonymous.
There's only an incrementing counter for search terms to be able to show popular search terms, and isn't linked to accounts or fingerprinted at all.